jeudi 30 mai 2013

Think Tank 2013 - Interactivity and favorite topic

Just clic on the link below and listen my jing presentation about my favorite topic in the Think Tank 2013.

It was really interesting to organize a meeting Think Tank to share about new technologies and new concepts.
It was for us the possibility to learn more about the 3D concept and all other applications.

3D Printers:
Kerry Hogarth
Simple process
The design community (MakerBot, Ultimaker, 3D Systems...)
Design with plastics

3D Print Web Applications:
Fashion: In 2012 some big names began working with this technology: Iris Van Herpen, Nike, Converse...

3D printed Art & Design (Sophie Kahn, Joshua Harker, Rachel Harding...)
Artists from all over  the world are beginning to design and create works using this technology

Presentation "Appres vous":
Raphael Terrier / Charlotte Saunier-Terrier
Company Expertise Mobile
A complexe market, the mobile/smartphone apps
23.8 billion of people get a smartphone in 2012
2012: 3.6 billion

A war between Google & Apple
Google Play: 800000 apps 775000 appli
BlackBerry: 70000
One of the most significant difference: the use
1e: mobile; 2e: the computer; 
The game: Axe marketing in first "What target/ what objective/ what budget ?

Solutions and optimization business: time saving huge 
Experiences and practices inspired: example with the Ipad: a nursery at the entrance of the store that allows clients to view the plan and products.
The challenge of the future: combine new experiences. An innovation: example with a doll that you can order on the internet.
Today the mobile market is as important as the mobile application that you will have developed behind.

Keynote: RoomsandMore from Travelport - Niklas Ardreen
Group vice president and managing Director - Global Hospitality, car and Partner Marketing.

mercredi 27 mars 2013

Luxury Traveler

New luxury travelers Gen X and Gen Y:

- Different lifestyle/ Individual needs and desires
- They are "eco": Gen X and Y travelers are more interested in sustainability and green
- Customers will continue to drive towards more customized and personal services

New services
What would you add to the Cheval Residences solutions list?

- They have to be more interactive
- Have to provide more different services
- Respond to actual needs and desires
- Different range of offers: casum

Comparison Websites

Comparison of websites with Jumeirah, Marriott group, and Hotel Morgan

What are the best practices ?

- A strong structure for the three (subtle booking commercials offers...)
- Different presentation
- Morgan and Sanderson belongs to the same group
- But the presentation of the website Morgan is fun, more colors
- We can book online on the three groups
- Marriott provides direct links
- Target different for each category
- Commercial offers: cross sell
- Amenities by client types
- They know exactly the target
- Easy access to book

Personally, I prefer the Marriott website

Ideas/ Productivity

On the website of ChevalResidences, here are different options for a user:

- Access to a price list
- There is an email address and a phone number
- We may also contact the concierge of the hotel by email or by phone.
- But we are unable to book a room directly on the website.

If I compare this website with other competitors, such as for example Jumeirah or Sanderson in London, there are ways to book more directly.

To improve the productivity on my website (ChevalResidences for exemple) as manager, I propose:

- A tab on the home page with great color like red, as the site of Jumeirah, to book more quickly and easily.

- The possibility to select different languages, such as English, French, Chinese...
- Create a personal session with Log In //Log Out
- A category "Hotel&Resort"
- More pictures
- A tab to show the menu of the restaurant, and the possibility to book online
- A geolocation map to locate it more easily
- The history of the Group
- Opportunities to connect on your mobile
- Facebook and Twitter pages
- And a tab with a list of all the services offered by the hotel

mardi 12 mars 2013

Luxury Industry Content Strategy // Hospitality Industry Content Strategy

Today most of the luxury hotel groups have adapted their online tools for customers targeted.

Here the client is interactive, and creates buzz thanks to pictures published on the online website for example.
See with groups such as "Accor" or "Intercontinental".
Nowadays, online reputation management is a new consumption habit. It is a need to adapt this strategy to deal with the competition today.
Therefore the luxury companies and luxury groups in hospitality industry adapt them to the new trends.

Other hand, the luxury industries have to develop their digital reputation too today.
Take the case of Burberry is a very good example of Buzz on internet and attracted consumers with online tools.
I think that the holiday interactive card is a great idea. We are speaking of the wow strategy effect thanks to the share of the video.
Burberry does not ask for customer interaction, contrary to the hotel industry.
If the client is captived, it is the same who will share it and thus created the buzz for the brand.

Today, most of the luxury industries have to create a online strategy and develop there digital reputation.