mercredi 19 décembre 2012

Crowdsourcing: Increase Direct Booking (Team Work)

1Best ideas to increase direct booking:

.     Optimize your presence online
-        Well designed and attractive website
-        Good referencing
-        Online community (social media)
-        E-reputation (tripadvisor)
-        Online booking (platform, links..)
-        Get free or charged direct links to your website on bloggers, tourism offices..

2.     Pricing strategy
-        Differentiate from other channels (distribution channels) by including for the same price more services ex : BB , museum, chocolate, transports….
-        Create attractive  and originals packages  adapted to all kind of clientele
-        Promotions

3.     Facilitate booking process
-        Different options for the payment
-        Train the staff to be welcoming and able to inform the guests
-        Be reactive on the phone, per email…

4.     Create a strong relationship with your guests
-        Create loyalty program to encourage direct bookings
-        Organize events and contests to create a first connection with guests or to reinforce the relationship with your customers
-        Satisfaction surveys

Robles Jessica
Nehme Akram
Charbonnier Marie
Follin-arbelet Valentine

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