mercredi 20 février 2013

Power of mobile devices growth

Answer the following questions:

1) What is ASAT?

"Any Screen, any Time"
It is the technology that make possible to go on internet thanks to new devices, screen fixed in original frame. For example, a car dashboard, a watch, people in the plane...

2) - Mobile enhanced experience mean that they are flexible and very easy to use it !
You can do something else during same time.

- You can even find a hotel/ discotheque that you like and follow news about it on Facebook for example.

- Travelers who are looking on interest thanks to their mobiles are most of time looking for others informations like "the time", "a place to stay", "internet", "sharing pictures"...
The advantage of the mobil is to have a look and plan before, and after your trip.

3) How could a hotel provide a mobile enhanced experience ?

Post some pictures from customers of the hotel is a good point. The result will be: give a better idea of the hotel and place for the future customer.

With the new application Vine on Twitter, you can create some videos for example with a person who had love his stay in the hotel, and to show all the advantages of the hotel.
The next customers could have a better idea of the place, and if they really want to book or not.

- SOLOMO: create a virtual tour for example, find a hotel more easily.

-From the hotel, be sure that the website is available for mobile devices.
All essential actions have to be feasible with mobile devices: book, see pictures, login, see different links...

4) Customer decision journey digital touchpoints:

- For example, see a tourism advert on TV at home, then visit the site on the mobile, and same the link.
- Book thanks your phone.
- Look the website on a mobile device.
- See and know more about the hotel.

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