lundi 25 février 2013

Four principes for the open world- Don Tapscott

1) What is Don’s term for the generation that has grown up “bathed in bits”?
: Net generation

2) When Rob McEwen’s geologists were having difficulty identifying the presence and location of
the gold in his mines, what radical approach did he take?

: Released his data and held the Goldcorp challenge.

3) What does Don mean when he says we have a “burning platform” for change?
The global crisis creates a burning platform in the world.
Don says that the change is better in our world, like new generation, economy, new gouvernement, new institution.

4) According to Don’s four meanings of openness, what is the difference between “transparency”
and “sharing”?

: Don speaks about collaboration and transparency 's about communication of informations. Get good values and share will be the result of think differently compare with somebody else.

5) What happens to power structures as knowledge becomes increasingly distributed?
: Power becomes decentralized

6) According to Don, the internet did not give rise to an information age, but instead gave rise to:
: The Age of Networked intelligence

7) Don uses an example from nature to demonstrate his four principles for openness. Which 
example does he choose, and in what ways does it exhibit these principles?
Don takes the example of the birds' murmuration. We can see some birds' cloud flying in the sky, in group.
This phenomen will protect them from any predators. 
It's like humans, a way to live together, like we can said: the collaboration with the talents of each person. 

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